When Is The Best Time To Get A Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is a hair problem seen in both men and women. When considering the loss of hair mass, we can distinguish between two hair loss conditions.

Hair loss can be seen due to many physical and biological reasons. In case of temporary hair loss due to specific reasons, the lost hair mass corresponds to its regeneration after a certain period. This is a natural process that can be observed in most people. If you have such a problem, you do not need to have a hair transplant. However, not every hair loss may be temporary. In case of permanent hair loss, you can have hair transplantation by contacting hair transplant clinics. But when is the best time for a hair transplant?

Hair Changes With Age

The hair is not implanted individually on the scalp as one might think, but it is grouped in follicles, which have several. During hair loss, each follicle loses one or two hairs, but the others remain in place, resulting in a loss of density but not strictly speaking baldness. In this case, the hair’s natural evolution will not necessarily free up enough space for hair implantations. Carrying out a hair transplant when the implantation spaces are insufficient would be entirely counterproductive because it would risk damaging the recipient area and could cause even more hair loss by destabilizing the natural balance.

When Is The Best Season For Hair Transplantation?

There is no need for a specific season to have a hair transplant. Individuals who want to have a hair transplant can have a 4-season hair transplant. The most critical time in this process is when the patient feels most ready for the operation.

Hair transplant surgery, as its name suggests, is a surgical operation. Therefore, care after hair transplantation is also critical.

If you decide to have a hair transplant, it is essential to feel good and avoid stress. Each season has its advantages and disadvantages. However, hair transplantation can be done in the other three seasons as in the summer.

Hair Transplantation for Androgenetic Alopecia

After taking all the necessary precautions to ensure that his hair loss is permanent and irreparable, the ideal solution that emerges is hair implantation. It is often thought that this technology is reserved for a few, which may have been the case in the past, but nowadays, thanks to the latest generation techniques, anyone, or everyone, can access implantation. Capillary to regain dense hair and self-confidence, which tends to be lost when the mirror becomes the enemy. Robotic implantation has completely revolutionized the world of hair. The robotic particular, with its on-board medical imaging, very quickly and randomly take the grafts at the base of the skull or on the sides to reimplant them in the same way in the areas predetermined by the practitioner. The randomness of the removal and reimplantation of the grafts gives a natural and discreet appearance to the hair, which grows gradually. The speed of the robot makes it possible to limit the number of sessions for the most outstanding comfort of the patients. Not only is robotic hair transplantation painless, but it is now even for very curly or frizzy hair that suffered a lot of loss by sectioning when we know that they continue to curl under the epidermis.

How is a Hair Transplant Done?

Hair transplantation is recommended for alopecia, i.e., intense and robust hair loss, which most often occurs as a genetic factor. Alopecia differs from the dependence on the prevalence and localization of hair loss and can also be caused by various factors such as hormonal disorders, diabetes, fungal infections, and anaemia. Hair transplantation is the only permanent solution for alopecia, but it does not require every hair loss and transplant. Based on several hair loss stages, you can easily conclude whether you are a candidate for a hair transplant.

Today’s hair transplant is performed with the help of the most modern FUE method. The procedure is performed with a specially designed knife covering the follicular unit, separating it from the surrounding tissue, after which it is carefully pulled out. The follicle is kept in a unique solution until the moment when it will be transplanted. An essential specificity of this method is that the follicular unit stands out as a whole and not hair by hair. Hair transplantation is done in several stages and can take several hours. After the treatment, it is necessary to follow the advice for the process to be as successful as possible.

Hair Recovery Process

When it comes to hair transplantation itself, you must choose experts for this method. The right clinic for cosmetic surgery in which you will learn all the steps and advice of professional doctors is a significant step to make your recovery phase after transplantation as short as possible. Postoperative care also means that you strictly follow the doctor’s advice and take the medication prescribed. If a hair transplant has been done in the valve region, you need to make a cold compress of small ice cubes that you will put on your forehead for three to four days. For your sleep to be fair and of good quality and for you to recover as quickly as possible, sleep on your back with a raised support of several pillows and pressure on the giving region. If you feel mild pain or numbness of the area during the night, do not worry about it, the pain itself will decrease during the following days of postoperative recovery. After the intervention, it is obligatory to come for a medical examination on the first day.

With Hair Transplant, Baldness Will Not Be Your Problem Now

Surgeons offer permanent results with hair transplant techniques performed today. You don’t need to come back for more sessions after a few years. There will be permanent hair in the areas where you have hair transplantation.

Although it is possible over time and due to natural baldness, it is possible to lose hair in other areas where you have not had hair transplantation, if your condition is mild. You only want your youthful appearance, you will be protected for life.

After patients have a full recovery, they can treat their hair naturally and do whatever they want with their hair. The practical thing is that the process uses hair follicles that do not stop working, so the hair looks thick and natural. Hair transplantation can positively change the lives of men and women.

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