What Age Is Best For Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is the most effective solution for young and older people. There are a few reasons why young individuals considering hair transplantation should not have it if they are under the age of twenty-five, and we will explain these reasons in this title. Hair loss due to genetics or stress is a hair problem that worsens over time. The hairline can detect hair thinning or loss.

Baldness is a widespread condition in male or female individuals, but hair loss seems to be more common in male individuals. Baldness or hair loss can negatively affect men’s social life and self-esteem. However, hair loss is an essential and worrying problem for men under 25 years of age. They may have negative thoughts about their lives.

Although hair transplantation is popular today, young or older people question the best age for hair transplant surgery. Thus, they can better understand what is early or what is late for this operation. We have made the most suitable age range and details about hair transplantation in this article. You can continue reading for the ideal age about hair transplantation.

When And How Is It Advisable To Hair Transplant?

Hair loss can take place at virtually any stage of life. Some people begin to suffer alopecia at an early age, and others begin to notice baldness’s effects in their 40s. Before undergoing a hair graft in Turkey, it must be considered that this intervention is intended to recover lost hair, not to prevent hair loss. That is why it is an operation that is not carried out with people under 25 years. At the first signs of alopecia or hair loss, the idea is to turn to a doctor to start a preventive treatment. Although hair surgery is a useful technique, it should be considered a last resort when the hair has already been lost.

The decision to hair transplant has to be taken with the knowledge of the latter. Still, in case of doubt, it is best to turn to a specialist doctor to analyze the causes and origin of alopecia and determine if the operation is necessary or if an anti-hair loss treatment can prevent and solve the problem. Be that as it may, the minimum age for treatment in men is usually around 25 or 27 years old, while in women, it begins to be recommended after 30 or 32. Even with everything, it is necessary to take into account that the candidate Hair transplantation has to meet a series of requirements for it to be successful, namely:

The patient must have a fertile donor area since the follicles must be extracted from there, whether located on the scalp or in some other body area, such as the beard or chest.

That the hair in the donor area is healthy and of good quality.

That he is in good health, so a series of medical tests will be carried out before the intervention to confirm that he does not react negatively to any medication or anesthesia that is going to be used during the procedure.

hair transplant in turkey

What Is The Best Age For A Hair Transplant?

Although hair grafting is a technique that can be performed at any age, since its function is purely aesthetic, as a general rule, this intervention is recommended for patients between 30 and 40 years of age. Some bald young men prefer to opt for surgery before their thirties, and although the visible and short-term effects are satisfactory, surgeons cannot commit to the long-term results being just as effective. If the hair in the donor area continues to be affected by the hormone that causes the loss, the result will not be the same in a few years; however, in patients over 30 years old, hair that has not shed will not, ergo the long-term result is guaranteed.

Along the same lines, at age 40, the degree of alopecia is considered consolidated, so it is baldness that will not progress any further. That is when a satisfactory result can be expected without buts. Therefore, the ideal age to implant hair in Turkey is between 30 and 40 years old, preferably towards the 40s, since the hair loss has been definitive and can be worked on safely.

How Younger Patients Perform Better Than Older Individuals?

This is a misunderstood fact among people. There is no difference between the success rates of young and old individuals in hair transplantation. However, older people should pay more attention to their health before or after hair transplantation compared to young people. Also, they should not smoke, drink alcohol, and have conditions such as diabetes. Patients who meet these conditions get successful results in hair transplant operations.

In addition to paying attention to the patient’s health, the surgeon’s high experience in this field is one of the most significant success factors. Professional surgeons carry out operations in the best way and show positive results. In hair transplantation cases performed by amateurs or undocumented, patients are likely to encounter an unsuccessful result.

What Could Be Due To This Increase In “Young Bald Men”?

First, some theories link this early alopecia with lifestyle changes and habits in the last 30 years from childhood. The sedentary life, with less activity in the open air; stress, fast-paced life, processed foods, radiation, computers, electromagnetic waves could be affecting and motivating more and more boys (eye, also more and more girls) to suffer hair loss from an early age. Even though these theories are not conclusive, with numerical and statistical values, the increase in patients’ cases in their twenties has grown exponentially.

The second factor to consider in this increase in requests for hair transplantation by patients in their twenties is a logical and practical reason.

How Long Does Hair Transplant Surgery Take?

Hair transplantation takes a long time and will depend on the number of grafts to be performed. For example, if the surgery is about 1500 grafts, it would be about 4 hours, but from 2500 grafts, you already need one day and a half. During the surgery, the patient does not notice anything since local anesthesia is applied.

How Is Postoperative?

As well as the FUT and FUE techniques, the postoperative period is practically painless. On the seventh day, the patient can resume his everyday life, although he may suffer from a small inflammation.

How Long Does It Take For The Transplanted Hair To Come Out?

The wait usually varies between 3 or 4 months and does not stop growing until 12 months, when the result of the treatment is assessed.

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